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To work with data in a database, you need to be able to retrieve and target specific records effectively. By using filtering clauses within your queries, you can add specific criteria in order to return only the most relevant records.

In this guide, we will take a look at some of the most common filtering operations available within PostgreSQL and demonstrate how to use them to narrow the focus of your statements. We will show how to test against characteristics within individual records with WHERE clauses, how to group records together to summarize information with GROUP BY, how to filter groups of records with the HAVING subclause, and how to set the maximum number of returned rows with the LIMIT clause.

Using the WHERE clause to define match criteria

One of the most common and broadly useful ways to indicate your query requirements is the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause lets you define actual search criteria for query statements by specifying conditions that must be true for all matching records.

WHERE clauses work by defining boolean expressions that are checked against each candidate row of data. If the result of the expression is false, the row will be removed from the results and will not be returned or continue to the next stage of processing. If the result of the expression is true, it satisfies the criteria of the search and will continue on for any further processing as a candidate row.

The basic syntax of the WHERE clause looks like this:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE <condition>;

The <condition> can be anything that results in a boolean value. In PostgreSQL, a boolean value is any of TRUE, FALSE, or NULL.

Conditions are often formed using one or more of the following operators:

  • =: equal to
  • >: greater than
  • <: less than
  • >=: greater than or equal to
  • <=: less than or equal to
  • <> or !=: not equal
  • AND: the logical "and" operator — joins two conditions and returns TRUE if both of the conditions are TRUE
  • OR: logical "or" operator — joins two conditions and returns TRUE if at least one of the conditions are TRUE
  • IN: value is contained in the list, series, or range that follows
  • BETWEEN: value is contained within the range the minimum and maximum values that follow, inclusive
  • IS NULL: matches if value is NULL
  • NOT: negates the boolean value that follows
  • EXISTS: the query that follows contains results
  • LIKE: matches against a pattern (using the wildcards % to match 0 or more characters and _ to match a single character)
  • ILIKE: matches against a pattern (using the wildcards % to match 0 or more characters and _ to match a single character), case insensitive
  • SIMILAR TO: matches against a pattern using SQL's regular expression dialect
  • ~: matches against a pattern using POSIX regular expressions, case sensitive
  • ~*: matches against a pattern using POSIX regular expressions, case insensitive
  • !~: does not match against a pattern using POSIX regular expressions, case sensitive
  • !~*: does not match against a pattern using POSIX regular expressions, case insensitive

While the above list represents some of the most common test constructs, there are many other operators that yield boolean results that can be used in conjunction with a WHERE clause.


Prisma Client supports filtering by multiple criteria. Check out our documentation on filtering to learn more.

Examples using WHERE

One of the most common and straightforward checks is for equality, using the = operator. Here, we check whether each row in the customer table has a last_name value equal to Smith:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE last_name = 'Smith';

We can add additional conditions to this to create compound expressions using logical operators. This example uses the AND clause to add an additional test against the first_name column. Valid rows must satisfy both of the given conditions:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Smith';

Similarly, we can check whether any of a series of conditions are met. Here, we check rows from the address table to see whether the zip_code value is equal to 60626 or the neighborhood column is equal to the string "Roger's Park". We use two single quotation marks to indicate that a literal single quote should be searched for:

SELECT * FROM address WHERE zip_code = '60626' OR neighborhood = 'Roger''s Park';

The IN operator can work like an comparison between a number of values, wrapped in parentheses. If there is a match with any of the given values, the expression is TRUE:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE last_name IN ('Smith', 'Johnson', 'Fredrich');

Here, we check against a string pattern using LIKE. The % works as a wildcard matching zero or more characters, so "Pete", "Peter", and any other string that begins with "Pete" would match:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE last_name LIKE 'Pete%';

We could do a similar search using the ~* operator to check for matches using POSIX regular expressions without regard to case. In this case, we check whether the value of last_name begins with a "d" and contains the substring "on", which would match names like "Dickson", "Donald", and "Devon":

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE last_name ~* '^D.*on.*';

We can check whether a street number is within the 4000 block of addresses using the BETWEEN and AND operators to define an inclusive range:

SELECT * FROM address WHERE street_number BETWEEN 4000 AND 4999;

Here, we can display any customer entries that have social security numbers that are not 9 digits long. We use the LENGTH() operator to get the number of digits in the field and the <> to check for inequality:


Using the GROUP BY clause to summarize multiple records

The GROUP BY clause is another very common way to filter results by representing multiple results with a single row. The basic syntax of the GROUP BY clause looks like this:

SELECT <columns> FROM some_table GROUP BY <columns_to_group>

When a GROUP BY clause is added to a statement, it tells PostgreSQL to display a single row for each unique value for the given column or columns. This has some important implications.

Since the GROUP BY clause is a way of representing multiple rows as a single row, PostgreSQL can only execute the query if it can calculate a value for each of the columns it is tasked with displaying. This means that each column identified by the SELECT portion of the statement has to either be:

  • included in the GROUP BY clause to guarantee that each row has a unique value
  • abstracted to summarize all of the rows within each group

Practically speaking, this means that any columns in the SELECT list not included in the GROUP BY clause must use an aggregate function to produce a single result for the column for each group.


If you are connecting to your database with Prisma client, you can use aggregations to compute over and summarize values.

Examples using GROUP BY

For the examples in this section, suppose that we have a table called pet that we've defined and populated like so:

type TEXT,
name TEXT,
color TEXT,
age INT
INSERT INTO pet (type, name, color, age) VALUES
('dog', 'Spot', 'brown', 3),
('dog', 'Rover', 'black', 7),
('dog', 'Sally', 'brown', 1),
('cat', 'Sabrina', 'black', 8),
('cat', 'Felix', 'white', 4),
('cat', 'Simon', 'orange', 8),
('rabbit', 'Buttons', 'grey', 4),
('rabbit', 'Bunny', 'brown', 8),
('rabbit', 'Briony', 'brown', 6);

The simplest use of GROUP BY is to display the range of unique values for a single column. To do so, use the same column in SELECT and GROUP BY. Here, we see all of the colors used in the table:

SELECT color FROM pet GROUP BY color;
(5 rows)

As you move beyond a single column in the SELECT column list, you must either add the columns to the GROUP BY clause or use an aggregate function to produce a single value for the group of rows being represented.

Here, we add type to the GROUP BY clause, meaning that each row will represent a unique combination of type and color values. We also add the age column, summarized by the avg() function to find the average age of each of the groups:

SELECT type, color, avg(age) AS average_age FROM pet GROUP BY type, color;
type | color | average_age
rabbit | brown | 7.0000000000000000
cat | black | 8.0000000000000000
rabbit | grey | 4.0000000000000000
dog | black | 7.0000000000000000
dog | brown | 2.0000000000000000
cat | orange | 8.0000000000000000
cat | white | 4.0000000000000000
(7 rows)

Aggregate functions work just as well with a single column in the GROUP BY clause. Here, we find the average age of each type of animal:

SELECT type, avg(age) AS average_age FROM PET GROUP BY type;
type | average_age
rabbit | 6.0000000000000000
dog | 3.6666666666666667
cat | 6.6666666666666667
(3 rows)

If we want to display the oldest of each type of animal, we could instead use the max() function on the age column. The GROUP BY clause collapses the results into the same rows as before, but the new function alters the result in the other column:

SELECT type, max(age) AS oldest FROM pet GROUP BY type;
type | oldest
rabbit | 8
dog | 7
cat | 8
(3 rows)

Using the HAVING clause to filter groups of records

The GROUP BY clause is a way to summarize data by collapsing multiple records into a single representative row. But what if you want to narrow these groups based on additional factors?

The HAVING clause is a modifier for the GROUP BY clause that lets you specify conditions that each group must satisfy to be included in the results.

The general syntax looks like this:

SELECT <columns> FROM some_table GROUP BY <columns_to_group> HAVING <condition>

The operation is very similar to the WHERE clause, with the difference being that WHERE filters single records and HAVING filters groups of records.

Examples using HAVING

Using the same table we introduced in the last section, we can demonstrate how the HAVING clause works.

Here, we group the rows of the pet table by unique values in the type column, finding the minimum value of age as well. The HAVING clause then filters the results to remove any groups where the age is not greater than 1:

SELECT type, min(age) AS youngest FROM pet GROUP BY type HAVING min(age) > 1;
type | youngest
rabbit | 4
cat | 4
(2 rows)

In this example, we group the rows in pet by their color. We then filter the groups that only represent a single row. The result shows us every color that appears more than once:

SELECT color FROM pet GROUP BY color HAVING count(color) > 1;
(2 rows)

We can perform a similar query to get the combinations of type and color that only a single animal has:

SELECT type, color FROM pet GROUP BY type, color HAVING count(color) = 1;
type | color
cat | black
rabbit | grey
dog | black
cat | orange
cat | white
(5 rows)

Using the LIMIT clause to set the maximum number of records

The LIMIT clause offers a different approach to paring down the records your query returns. Rather than eliminating rows of data based on criteria within the row itself, the LIMIT clause sets the maximum number of records returned by a query.

The basic syntax of LIMIT looks like this:

SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT <num_rows> [OFFSET <num_rows_to_skip>];

Here, the <num_rows> indicates the maximum number of rows to display from the executed query. This is often used in conjunction with ORDER BY clauses to get the rows with the most extreme values in a certain column. For example, to get the five best scores on an exam, a user could ORDER BY a score column and then LIMIT the results to 5.

While LIMIT counts from the top of the results by default, the optional OFFSET keyword can be used to offset the starting position it uses. In effect, this allows you to paginate through results by displaying the number of results defined by LIMIT and then adding the LIMIT number to the OFFSET to retrieve the following page.


If you are connecting to your database with Prisma client, you can use pagination to iterate through results.

Examples using LIMIT

We will use the pet table from earlier for the examples in this section.

As mentioned above, LIMIT is often combined with an ORDER BY clause to explicitly define the ordering of the rows before slicing the appropriate number. Here, we sort the pet entries according to their age, from oldest to youngest. We then use LIMIT to display the top 5 oldest animals:

type | name | color | age | id
cat | Simon | orange | 8 | 6
cat | Sabrina | black | 8 | 4
rabbit | Bunny | brown | 8 | 8
dog | Rover | black | 7 | 2
rabbit | Briany | brown | 6 | 9
(5 rows)

Without an ORDER BY clause, LIMIT will make selections in an entirely predictable way. The results returned may be effected by the order of the entries within the table or by indexes. This is not always a bad thing.

If we need a record for any single dog within the table, we could construct a query like this. Keep in mind that while the result might be difficult to predict, this is not a random selection and should not be used as such:

SELECT * FROM pet WHERE type = 'dog' LIMIT 1;
type | name | color | age | id
dog | Spot | brown | 3 | 1
(1 row)

We can use the OFFSET clause to paginate through results. We include an ORDER BY clause to define a specific order for the results.

For the first query, we limit the results without specifying an OFFSET to get the first 3 youngest entries:

type | name | color | age | id
dog | Sally | brown | 1 | 3
dog | Spot | brown | 3 | 1
cat | Felix | white | 4 | 5
(3 rows)

To get the next 3 youngest, we can add the number defined in LIMIT to the OFFSET to skip the results we've already retrieved:

type | name | color | age | id
rabbit | Buttons | grey | 4 | 7
rabbit | Briany | brown | 6 | 9
dog | Rover | black | 7 | 2
(3 rows)

If we add the LIMIT to the OFFSET again, we'll get the next 3 results:

type | name | color | age | id
cat | Simon | orange | 8 | 6
rabbit | Bunny | brown | 8 | 8
cat | Sabrina | black | 8 | 4
(3 rows)

This lets us retrieve rows of data from a query in manageable chunks.


There are many ways to filter and otherwise constrain the results you get from queries. Clauses like WHERE and HAVING evaluate potential rows or groups of rows to see if they satisfy certain criteria. The GROUP BY clause helps you summarize data by grouping together records that have one or more column values in common. The LIMIT clause offers users the ability to set a hard maximum on the number of records to retrieve.

Learning how these clauses can be applied, individually or in combination, will allow you to extract specific data from large datasets. Query modifiers and filters are essential for turning the data that lives within PostgreSQL into useful answers.


You can filter multiple columns in PostgreSQL by adding additional conditions to create compound expressions using operators.

An example of an additional condition is the logical operator AND. An example of the syntax would look like the following:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Smith';

You can limit the number of records a query returns by using the LIMIT clause. Rather than eliminating rows of data based on criteria within the row itself, the LIMIT clause sets the maximum number of records returned.

The basic syntax looks like this:

SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT <num_rows> [OFFSET <num_rows_to_skip>];

Aggregate functions in PostgreSQL are functions that compute a single result from a set of input values.

PostgreSQL's array_agg() is a user-defined aggregate function that accepts a set of values and returns an array where each value in the input set is assigned to an element of the array.

Yes, you can GROUP BY a timestamp value in PostgreSQL. However, this value includes a time element that would need timestamps to be identical to the millisecond to get grouped together.

Grouping timestamps together by day, month, or year is best accomplished by casting the timestamp value into PosgreSQL's DATE data type which has no associated time value.

About the Author(s)
Justin Ellingwood

Justin Ellingwood

Justin has been writing about databases, Linux, infrastructure, and developer tools since 2013. He currently lives in Berlin with his wife and two rabbits. He doesn't usually have to write in the third person, which is a relief for all parties involved.